Yesterday it was a big day for all finalists participating in the StartUp Spotlight of How To Web 2012.
It was day 0 of the event, where 32 teams had the opportunity to pitch in order to win a place in the 8 finalists, where besides valuable exposure, feedback and advice they compete today and tomorrow for some great prizes.
There were also a couple of interesting workshops, during day 0. My favorite one was made by Maria Diaconu and it was about agile development. I had a great insight during it and what I could share with you now, is that by shutting down all your power enabled devices and getting a marker and a few post-it notes you can do a mind-blowing meeting with your team. You should give it a try for sure!!
How To Web officially starts today, and these teams will have the chance to go through mentoring sessions and 1-to-1 meetings with accelerators and investors in parallel or after the 2 days main event.
I am here as an ambassador for the StartUp Spotlight representing the Open Coffee Greece community and also as a cofounder of which was selected in the final 8 teams together with:
Achoo, Good Momming and Mediatoolkit, while tomorrow the next four Mixgar, Squirrly, Tribegarden and Vibetrace will compete for total prizes of $20k
Today the morning started with Phil Libin, Evernote's CEO great keynote speach. Will tweet and blog about the event during the following days.